Tag Archives: Visual Arts

Rain Room

12 Oct

Normally I’m not a fan of installation art- leaving a room empty on purpose, having a few lights go on and off, and calling that art? No thanks.  The rain room installation however? Totally awesome.

You approach a room where it’s pouring rain.  As soon as you step inside, high-tech cameras ensure the rain stops around you.  So you can walk through the pouring rain but you stay totally dry- the water rains around your body.

It has to be seen to be believed, so click on the picture below to check out the video.  I would be scared to take that first step into the rain, and it looks like the people in the video also can’t believe they won’t get wet.

So cool.  If you’re in the UK, go check it out!

The Real Starry Night

12 Jul

I feel like almost everyone is familiar with Van Gogh’s “Starry Night” right?

Have you ever wondered what inspired it?  Alex Ruiz has created a digital painting that imagines what Van Gogh might have seen when he was creating his iconic painting.   Isn’t it beautiful?

If you’re interested in buying a print, they’re available here.